Businesses have recognized the rising importance of mobile apps. According to a study, this is especially true since an average person spends about a third of their waking time on mobile apps. It is reflected in the numbers that show that mobile apps are expected to generate about $935 billion in revenue by 2023.

In light of this information, we have to consider just how important it is for businesses to hire mobile app developers and, even more so, do it right. Entrusting your business app to an amateur or an imposter could be a big mistake.

This is important because every business needs to consider mobile app retention numbers. It is not news that user attention spans are shorter than ever, but does your app development make up for it by shorter loading time and shorter onboarding experience? This is where the role of a great app development team comes in. Let us look at what it takes to hire dedicated mobile app developers who won’t disappoint you.

Top Three Ways to Ensure a Good Hire

Before beginning your journey to hire a dedicated mobile app developer, you might feel daunted by the sheer number of options. How can you carefully choose the right developer for you? Do you need a full development team or an independent freelance developer? Before hiring a mobile app developer, let us look at the three important criteria to keep in mind.

  1. In-Depth Research

As with any venture, you cannot begin your process without thorough research. This will help you determine your needs, what programming languages to use, where you can hire the cheapest talent, and much more. Research can include talking to professionals and experts in the field.

  1. Establishing Clear Goals

A lot of confusion can arise if you are unclear about your goals. Making sure you are well aware so that you can communicate it to your developer ensures you get the results you are looking for.

  1. Thorough Interview

The interview is a crucial step. Once you have shortlisted candidates according to their skill set, the interview will help you choose your ideal candidate. Make sure you prepare the right questions to evaluate your developer’s skills.

Five Steps to Hiring the Right App Developer

Now that we’ve covered the important aspects of hiring a good mobile app developer for your business, here’s how you can do it in five easy steps.

  1. Fix a budget

You must have a clear view of your budget. Making it clear how much you can afford to spend gives you an idea of how to work best within the budget. This should be done with care, as cutting too many costs can backfire and affect the quality of your app.

  1. Start searching for app developers

The next step is to start looking for your ideal developer. You can go the traditional way and put a job listing on job boards like LinkedIn, UpWork, and Indeed. Another way is to look for freelance developers from developer forums like AndoidPit, Android Forums, iPhoneDevSDK, Topcoder, Koding, NewAppleIdea, and Polycom.

  1. Shortlist the candidates

A good criterion of skill can help create a shortlist, which should include years of work experience, experience with different languages and platforms, previous collaborations, a good portfolio, and client testimonials. You can also test out apps they have developed to better understand their skills.

  1. Interview

When conducting the interview, keep the following questions in mind:

  • What programming technologies do they use?

This will help you know if the developer’s expertise aligns with your project requirements.

  • What is their development approach?

It is important to know what development approach the candidate has. This software development life cycle they choose has to be at par with your other teams.

  • How do they manage projects?

Are they team workers or work well independently? Are they punctual and idealistic with timelines? Does the developer have an ethical code they stick to?

  • What is their communication like?

The employer and the app developer must have a proper communication channel.

  • What are their payment terms?

The app developer should have clear payment terms. Are they willing to negotiate on the terms? Do their expectations meet your budget?

  • Any legal procedures or contracts they follow?

You should be aware of any legal procedures or contracts they follow if they are independent freelancers or part of an agency.

  1. Sign an NDA and recruit the team

Once you have found the ideal app developer or developer team, you should induct them into your company, sign an NDA form to ensure your business ideas and other intellectual property are not misused, and recruit them as soon as possible.

Cost of Hiring an App Developer

One of the many factors that determine the cost of hiring an app developer is their location. Since different countries have different living costs, some countries offer talent at lower rates. Among other things, the years of experience a developer possesses, previous work experience, and skills determine the cost of hiring an app developer. An average developer can charge anywhere from $40-150 per hour.

The level of difficulty of your project is also a determinant of the rate charged. The programming language used and its difficulty is also considered while quoting a rate. Being aware of these factors helps you make an informed decision on how to make a reasonable offer to your candidate.

Final Words

There are many ways to hire the wrong app developer for your business, but only one right way is backed by knowledge. Knowing everything that goes into the process helps you make informed decisions.

When hiring mobile app developers that you can trust, start by picking an experienced team of developers with a great body of work to show, loyal clientele, and positive recommendations. At Silwatech, we have on our team some of the best mobile app developers in Dubai and the Middle East. With experience in working with diverse technologies and projects of varying complexities, we are the preferred mobile app developer in Dubai for businesses across industries.

Get in touch with us to discuss your app development project today!

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